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About the company

A word from the Director-General:

The history of the Real Expert company began in 2013. The company was founded by leading experts in the field of Russian market value consulting, with vast experience in the field of valuation.

Despite the existence of macroeconomic restrictions that are no longer temporary difficulties, but rather new rules of the game that build a system of coordinates in which we must develop together, Real Expert and its professional team continues to conquer new heights in the consultation and appraisal market.


From the very first day, the company has selected a path to providing high quality services. Employees are responsible for all the details of their work. Our team is one of our best achievements. Year after year we welcome the best, most experienced and attentive employees to our circle. We annually spend at least 5% of our profits on staff training.

We work hard to make a contribution to the development of the industry, so has only recently come to our market in 1998. Our experts take part in conferences, open forums, and national conventions of the professional appraisers community.

Most of our appraisers are ranked SRO #1 in Russia. Quality has always been a priority for us, and in this, our goals coincide with the needs of consumers of appraisal services.

We strive to ensure that the communication between our employees, government bodies, and businesses is constructive and leads to agreement and mutual understanding, which are all necessary for mutual growth.

We took the path to building an honest and open business in the field of appraisal, consulting, asset valuation, and autotechnical inspection. Our foundation is build upon an attentive attitude towards clients and the tasks that they bestow upon us. We take an informal, but professional approach to all stages of work.


The company's liability is insured by AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC. The amount of insurance coverage is 10 times the minimum. The liability of our appraisers is insured for more than 50 million rubles.


Focusing on market leaders, Real Expert has developed a policy of maximum transparency. The authorized capital of the company from the very first day exceeded the minimum 10 times over. All our beneficiaries are Russian citizens.

We are ready and want to play according to clear rules, in full compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation.